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Applied Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Zero to Elite
Introduction to Linux Shell
Course introduction (2:53)
Difference Between Kernel and Shell in Linux (9:09)
Linux OS Installation (11:18)
Linux Terminal Productivity
Terminator, Oh My Zsh and Tmux - Part 1 (18:32)
Terminator, Oh My Zsh and Tmux - Part 2 (10:17)
Package Managers & File Archiving
Package Managers: zypper, apt, yum, repos, and more (10:48)
Archiving: p7zip, xz-utils, gzip, gunzip, tar, and more (8:04)
Command-Line Chaining
Command Line Chaining - Part 2 (13:51)
Command Line Chaining - Part 1 (8:56)
System Hardware and Time Examination
System Hardware: dmidecode, lsblk, inxi, and more (7:22)
System Time: ncal, time, uptime, date, and more (5:05)
Disks and File System Permissions
dd, gzip, fdisk, swapoff/on, free, find,chmod - Part 1 (22:25)
mount, runlevel, fsck, mkswap, resize2fs - Part 2 (20:49)
Processes, Services and Performance Management
Process management - Part 1: Services, performance and ps (14:30)
Process management - Part 2: kill, killall, pkill, pstree, lsof, pgrep, top, htop (16:52)
Managing Users and Groups
Users and Groups - Part1: sudo, passwd, useradd, adduser, id (15:22)
Users and Groups - Part2: usermod, chage, getfacl, setfacl (18:26)
Users and Groups - Part3: who, last, lastb, utmpdump (16:23)
Networking Part 1: iproute2, ip, txqueuelen, mtu, netplan (16:51)
Networking Part 2: route get, list, neighbor, ICMP/UDP traceroute (10:04)
Networking Part 3: Netplan YAML, DNS record types, dig, host (8:10)
Networking Part 4: OpenSSH, SSH-Keygen, SSH-Copy-ID, Capturing SSH Session (16:30)
Networking Part 5: SSH Port Forwarding, SSH Proxy Server, SCP & RSync (14:17)
iptables Firewall
iptables Firewall Concepts (11:51)
iptables Firewall in Action (Filter) (37:51)
iptables Firewall in Action (NAT) (23:01)
iptables Firewall in Action (Mangle) (5:02)
Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) (6:21)
Sysdig: Deep System Visibility
Sysdig Installation (3:10)
Sysdig Output Anatomy (8:06)
Sysdig Events Use-Cases (7:30)
Sysdig Chisels (Lua Scripts) Use-Cases - P1 (11:35)
Sysdig Chisels (Lua Scripts) Use-Cases - P2 (6:42)
CSysdig (Text-GUI) Use-Cases, Kernel-syscalls zooming (13:46)
Shell Scripting and Task Automation
Time-based Task Scheduling with Cron Jobs (10:15)
Shell Scripting & Task Automation - Part 1 (14:23)
Shell Scripting & Task Automation - Part 2 (21:47)
Project: Creating a Password Manager - Part 1 (19:10)
Project: Creating a Password Manager - Part 2 (14:04)
~1 Second Booting Linux: Windows Subsystem for Linux
WSL2 Installation (5:04)
The WSL, Behind the Scenes (7:21)
WSL2 & Windows Terminal Productivity: Oh My Zsh, Nerd Font, P10K... (11:59)
WSL2 Maintenance and Fine-Tuning (9:15)
mount, runlevel, fsck, mkswap, resize2fs - Part 2
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